This is the first of a series of videos that will detail how to build a geodesic dome greenhouse. Please subscribe to this channel to see future videos about building a dome. For more info, see my blog at or http
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@t1l1m do a search for russian stove or masonry stove. … uses a fraction of the wood and turns the entire structure into a “radiator”
@t1l1m Make sure you check out my video called “Rocket Mass Heater prototype”
I am sure, as intelligent as your videos are, that you have already discovered the Rocket Stove. If by chance you haven’t, please take the time to check it out. Next step technology in burning carbon fuel.
We’re going to be taking on this project! So excited to see what you’ve done!
wonderful its amizing
@web4deb great stuff. been trying(unsucessfully) to find a link to a guy who made a diy small wind turbine that pushed a rod operating a bellows . the bellows was underground and was connected to two runs of pipe dug in at different depths..either recirculating his home (aircon) or (heating) or keeping his driveway free of ice in winter. the deeper pipe(warmer air) recirculated into his home or drive. think this would also heat your dome. bellows was an old oil drum with two flaps .and piston
Mostly a standard miter saw and table saw. I may use a radial arm for some of it. That will be in video #3. #2 will be making the hubs which I will post in a couple of weeks!
Will you be using a Radial arm saw for the cuts?
love to see how you get along
@udgarparsons You’re the king of the domes! If I wasn’t so much of a weekend warrior, I would buy one. Stay tuned for the next video in a few weeks. I’m going into the hub designs….not as elegant as yours, but since I have a bunch of the materials on-hand, it’s what I’m going with. You’re just a few steps away from having aquaponics in your setups….just have to get rid of the dirt!
I love what you are doing
I thought you might be interested in What we are doing in Colorado.
I am linking you to a video showing What your dome might look like
@phalegh Yes, thanks. Unfortunately, they don’t meet the building code. Sorry.
I’m sure efficiency is a pretty big deal for your winter heat. Have you researched rocket mass heaters? Googleing rocket stove pops up some good results on how to build one. If you’re burning wood anyway, you might as well burn it effeciently. And the kicker, it releases no smoke, just CO2 and steam.
Sweet! I am happy about the trout, now no one can complain..haha. Have you considered heating the greenhouse floor with a rocket mass heater? I know your using hydroponics so it wouldn’t be efficient for water temperature controls, however, Im sure heated floors in the greenhouse would affect the average volume temp, pushing the possibility of undisturbed winter growing. From the looks of it, This method uses very little space and wood. about 1/4th I have heard.
I look forward to seeing your progress. Thank you for sharing!
@Mooja12 Around $15K. If it was sub surface, there is extra cost with digging deeper for the heating/cooling system and it would also be down in the water table. Plus the concrete would have to be reinforced more since there isn’t an equal load on both sides. CT regulations require 42″ plus footings for anything with a foundation. Entire thing will be automated. Using Geodesic for the “coolness” factor
Plus they can be an open span without extra supports = less material costs.
Good luck to you. What an interesting project. I’d expect costs in the neighborhood of $20K? Do you have any estimates yet? Have you thought of constructing sub-surface so grow beds are roughly ground level to take advantage of earth insulation, etc? Hope you incorporate some custom monitoring and controls as you’ve done in your current GH. Is the 4′ frost barrier a local regulation? Why geodesic vs latitude optimally sloped roof design type structure?
@ARTnSKIN My kids can’t wait for me to start building….they think it’s going to be a big jungle-gym!
@MasterVeggie I’ll probably grow some trout for some of my friends. Also some koi. A full-grown koi with good color = $ It has to be something that can be on cold water.
Woo exciting!
Wow! That’s very cool. I love the heating and cooling solution. I look very forward to seeing updates.
I look forward to watching
Cool idea on the dome. I look forward to watching. Go man.
so what are you going to grow, since you dislike fish? tell me your going to grow something edible in the water: maybe waterchestnuts or cress or something. maybe a different type of seafood? I was a bit dissappointed that you were growing fresh water goldfish. LOL
My grow dome is doing well. We still have veggies growing and its Jan!! I didnt expect to have such good results here in West Central Illinois.